
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Post #3 This... boy I knew

I know this boy, his whole life he has been treated like he was nothing. His mother threw him out and a serves called D.C.F.S would take him in when and if they found him. He used to ask everyone he knew if he could stay with them for a few days so he wasn't out alone at night. All this boy wanted to do was be with his mother and have a home. The last time i saw this boy he informed me that his mother kicked him out for the last time and he would never be allowed to go back to her. I didn't notice it then but I realized soon there after.  He was badly hurt. Not just physically though, from all the times he was beaten by her, but mentally also. This "boy" only wanted to be with his mother and live happily. She wanted nothing from him, ever. I think that if she had a choice to go back and not have him, sadly she would. He changed my view on the world. Before him I lived in a bubble where parents had to love their children and take care of them no matter what. He just wanted to be home, and be loved by his mother. His dream for love from her was never reached. She still lives around here. He has been moved away from her so she can not hurt him anymore.

Throughout A Raisin in the Sun they are talking about how Walter's dreams are never going to come true for him. They talk about dreams and how they were crushed time and time again, how they would finally get a chance to do something and then it was stripped away from them at the last moment. Walter's dream of becoming a liquor store owner was broken and crushed right upfront of him just like my friends was of being with his mother (although my friends was actually worse than Walter's). I find that nothing is worse than a broken dream, even more so the ones involving bettering your family.

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