
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Post #1 American Dream?

Q1.I thought the author of the first article was trying to define the American dream as equality among the rich and regular people, although he never very clearly stated what it was that he wants. I think he wants to have everyone be equal among each other due to the writings he quoted. On the other hand, the author of the second article, although he might nit think the at it is right, explains that the modern American Dream differently. He says it is more about money in order to have happiness instead of equality compared to the first.

Q2. The first author quotes a few writings of other people through out history. i believe trying to prove that he isn't the only one to think the way he thinks of the American Dream. He quoted Adams in saying  "steadily increases the gulf between the ordinary man and the super-rich," and by saying "We must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities for the supply of others' necessities," he then quoted Winthrop. Then the author of the second article used examples such as when he referred to the lawyer ans the worker at McDonalds. In his own words he explains that to most people  "greed is good".

Q3.After reading the articles I believe that the first author knew more of what he was talking about due to the research he had to have done in order to get his quotes. The second author only stated what he thinks instead of getting facts about the subject.

Q4. I agree with the first author in that i want the American Dream to be about everyone being equal, money or not. We have the same basic idea that we should all be equal because the fact that we are all equal. The second author is to be agreed with also. I feel that now people are mush more concerned about money and having it compared to not than being free from racial stereotypical comments or not being allowed into a building or home because of who you are (genetically). In all i feel America as a whole has fallen backwards.

Q5. To make their point come across the second author's approach, I believe, worked best. It was strong willed compared to the first that was laid back assuming that you knew who the people he was quoting were and that you could assume what they meant. How the first author was so sure about his argument and didn't use so many quotes to get his point across helped me better understand what he was saying. I believe this was do to that there was more flow within the article.

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