
Friday, November 16, 2012

Post #6

U.S. and Holocaust.
I believe the United States could easily have another Holocaust at any moment. This could come from just pure racial discrimination, wealth vs. poor, or even politics. When you talk about having another holocaust, seeing how the whites did murder thousands of Native Americans, it could easily happen again. All that would need to change in the U.S. is someone to voice their opinion loud enough. Although we have many laws forbidding the discrimination of another, people do it every day. From the streets of to Chicago to Carbondale, it is there. Killing people just because of their background. If enough people come together, they could kill off thousands of innocent people just because they feel they "deserve it." Simply because they feel their way of life isn't worth living.
Someone in the U.S. could come today worse than Hitler and kill thousands, maybe millions, just because of how they feel how the earth should be run. In fact, someone could easily be worse than Hitler due to all the "new and improved" ways there are out there to take another persons life slowly and making them suffer. It may seem that the world has calmed down, but it hasn't. We are coming up with things to take out huge groups of people, innocent people, and saying it is protecting someone. If someone (a new aged Hitler) was able to get their hands on anything like that, 'they" would win instantly. During the German holocaust, they were still coming up with ways to kill people, now we have them. There would be no way of fighting back for the poor.

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