
Friday, November 16, 2012

Native American Hardship

This is trek, she was forced to walk among many people on what latter was given the name "The Trail of Tears."
The Apache chief in 1889. Whom was a very diverse group. The paths that many people were forced to walk upon, away from their homes.
Another map showing the different routs that Native Americans were forced to take.
A map showing the many different reservations in the U.S. for Native Americans.
This plack can be found in Spring Park, Tuscumbia, Alabama, at the site of the Big Spring.
same link
A satue to remember all the men wemon and children forced from their homes .
The trail of tears truly cuts deeply into the earth. This is a picture of one one of the paths taken conected to the trail of tears.
Yet another, not as deep, cut into earths history done by the millions of people forces to walk so many miles.

A drawing of what would have been just a hand full of the hundreds forced to walk.

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