
Friday, December 14, 2012

Comment. :)

I like how you brought up the past, it lets people, know that you know, what youre talking about. You are strong on both why it could, and why it could not. Good Job. :) Matthew Earll's blog


Shlomo is the Father of Elie. After having survived the torture and hunger and cold, he came to die near the end of the Holocaust. He was an elderly man at the beginning of the Holocaust. This man died alone, due to his son going to sleep, then was forgotten by everyone. His own son forgot him for some time as he went on with his life. This man died before his kind, not because of a disease that no one could have prevented, because of his religion. This man died purely because he was a Jew.

On "Lolo's Bloggy- Thing- a- ma- bob!" (London)
I like the picture you picked for your mosaic. I also like the words you used in discribing him. I was wondering though, why green? (:

Friday, November 16, 2012

Post #6

U.S. and Holocaust.
I believe the United States could easily have another Holocaust at any moment. This could come from just pure racial discrimination, wealth vs. poor, or even politics. When you talk about having another holocaust, seeing how the whites did murder thousands of Native Americans, it could easily happen again. All that would need to change in the U.S. is someone to voice their opinion loud enough. Although we have many laws forbidding the discrimination of another, people do it every day. From the streets of to Chicago to Carbondale, it is there. Killing people just because of their background. If enough people come together, they could kill off thousands of innocent people just because they feel they "deserve it." Simply because they feel their way of life isn't worth living.
Someone in the U.S. could come today worse than Hitler and kill thousands, maybe millions, just because of how they feel how the earth should be run. In fact, someone could easily be worse than Hitler due to all the "new and improved" ways there are out there to take another persons life slowly and making them suffer. It may seem that the world has calmed down, but it hasn't. We are coming up with things to take out huge groups of people, innocent people, and saying it is protecting someone. If someone (a new aged Hitler) was able to get their hands on anything like that, 'they" would win instantly. During the German holocaust, they were still coming up with ways to kill people, now we have them. There would be no way of fighting back for the poor.

Looking into the blogs.

          On Sarah Ripley's bog. I like your pictures, they really show how the Rwandan genocide affected the people who lived and died there. I would like to know just about how many people there were that actually participated in the genocide. Other than that I really like your pictures. Good picking. :)
          On Emily Peguero's blog Your pictures cought my eye and your notes really got me to understand what was happening within them. Do you know where they put the bodies of the murdered?
          On kelsi Rushing's blog. How many people were affected by what happened here? I like how you showed what happened after the genocide was put to rest. A few more notes would help.

Native American Hardship

This is trek, she was forced to walk among many people on what latter was given the name "The Trail of Tears."
The Apache chief in 1889. Whom was a very diverse group. The paths that many people were forced to walk upon, away from their homes.
Another map showing the different routs that Native Americans were forced to take.
A map showing the many different reservations in the U.S. for Native Americans.
This plack can be found in Spring Park, Tuscumbia, Alabama, at the site of the Big Spring.
same link
A satue to remember all the men wemon and children forced from their homes .
The trail of tears truly cuts deeply into the earth. This is a picture of one one of the paths taken conected to the trail of tears.
Yet another, not as deep, cut into earths history done by the millions of people forces to walk so many miles.

A drawing of what would have been just a hand full of the hundreds forced to walk.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Post #3 Murder!!!

          Murder, genocide, whatever you want to call it is okay by me. I just wish we could call it nothing for it never happening in our world. Genocide anywhere is heart wrenching. In the early 1990s the population in Rwanda, around seven million, was mainly formed by the people of Hutu. Lesser formed by Tutsi and Twa. In 1992 The Hutu's people felt that it was the lesser ethnic groups for their increasing social, economic, and political problems.
          Even though people knew about the massive murders they still do nothing to change their actions. After April 6, 1994, 80,000 women, children, and children perished as a result of the Rwanda genocide. When the leaders finally voted in disapproval, the people listened and changed their tactics. Although, in changing their tactics they still did not change their underlined goal. The governments and people everywhere still have appart of the shame of the crime due to that they did nothing to stop the killing of so many people. "Even after it had become indisputable that what was going on in Rwanda was a genocide, American officials had shunned the g-word, fearing that it would cause demands for intervention."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Post #2 :(

Unhappy Times

Yesterday, as we watched the show of Oprah, I wrote many notes. Not because i was told to, but because these things that happened are things to remember. These are things like how after killing people or sometimes before, they would shave the head before burning their bodies in a pit or oven. Once they gathered the hair they would sell it to clothing factories. Also, first thing when the prisoners arrived at the major camp they were split into two groups. Mothers and children were sent tho the left and told not to worry but take off their clothing in order to take a shower. The men and able to work were sent tot the right where they were put to work. Once they were striped of everything they had the mothers and children were take into gas chambers and locked inside to be killed. It took them fifteen minutes to finally suffocate. Personally i would like to know, why. Why would someone do a thing so terrible. I know they say because he wanted to rid the world of "impurities" but i would like to know what exactly triggered Hitler to start this war.

I am honestly not wanting to read the book more now than before because I know it will upset me in an extreme way. To hear a first person story of what happened during this dark day in world history would be great for understanding what exactly happened but it is such dark days in time that I don't want to know much more. I'd prefer to be in the dark on many of these things, like how these people would kill without reason or being called into question by others. I hear that it is a good book, but it is hard to have to read about what someones torture did to another person. Over all, i can't wait to read this book, but feel i have to brace myself. I hope for a day where there will never be anything even clost to what happend then again. This book sounds like a good book wraped around a bad time of life.That is all.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello :)

          My name is Rebecca. I am 15 years old and am a sophomore at C.C.H.S. I love reading fiction adventure books. I find that when i read these books I can easily place myself within them. I love reading at my own pace. Currently my favorite book is still The Ghost and the Goth. I read this book last year and it is still currently my favorite book. I do not enjoy having to read books that are completely nonfiction and biographies or autobiographies. When having to read these I personally hardly understand anything.
          Lastly, I started reading the book Across the Universe a few weeks ago. I have yet to finish it but so far a lot has happened. Starting with the first section of this book there is a far off planet that has been said to be able to stand human life. Once this planet was realized people started to build a giant ship that would be able to hold human life on it for three hundred years. In order to keep life going in order on the new planet they had to freeze people that knew how to do things like run a country. Also the had many scientists come along to help with the farming and seed genetic splicing. A girl was frozen along with her parents and were to be sent to the new planet on this huge ship. About fifty years before they were supposed to dock at the new planet something bad happened. Supposedly this had occurred before. People were being woken up in their frozen "coffins" and left to drowned. Amy, the frozen girl, was woken up fifty years to early. Luckily she was saved by the doctor that was supposed to look over the frozen society and a young boy about seventeen that was to someday become the eldest (person who watches over everyone on the ship and makes shore everything is going steadily) of the ship, Elder. They now have to find the person that keeps murdering the frozen people on the ship and put a stop to it.