
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Post#4 Alternate Endings

Starting in the court room before the verdict was given:
 Looking around it was silent. Everyone was anxious to hear what they would declare. I couldn't take my eyes off of Tom Robinson and he off his table. The judge finally asked "What is the verdict?" As the person on the end rose to tell us all my heart beated faster. I don't exactly know why seeing how it wasn't my life that could be ending right now. Although I couldn't see his face tom seemed to be anxious also, yet like he didn't want to know what everyone else thought of him. I looked to Atticus and he was looking toward the man standing.
  Silence filled the air around us. Pure silence. The man on the end opened his mouth and........
"We find Tom Robinson.......... Not guilty for the auction of rape." The court house roared! The people around us were so loud I couldn't hear the white folk below us who were yelling also. People jumped and yelled and screamed! Dill grabbed my hand. Everyone was smiling and screaming. No one could hear one another yet that didn't stop people from yelling over one another. People stormed out of the court house. Some, like the Ewells, were furious.
The next day someone came to the house and threw a brick threw a window, I suspected the Ewells but Atticus said it could have been anyone. On the note attached to it it read....
"Y'all better watch ya selvs. Ima find a way to get back at you."
Atticus spent the next few days running around town. It seemed like he was always busy, more than before. The case blew over and after a few months everyone who had been obsessed with the case now was back to the regular "hum." Dill and I would stay together till we were ripped apart. Some nights he would even sleep in my room by my bed. Holding hands as we fell asleep Dill said, "When are we going to have that baby?"

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