
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Post #1 Depression

Black Tuesday was the worst stock market crash in our history. It started as the real estate industry slowly began to declined in in the stock market. Due to this the stock marked in all declined. You see, the stock market and real estate industry are linked together because as one goes down, the other does too. People had been investing and doing things with money the didn't have, as a result it started the chain of events that led to the Great Depression. Brokers were loaning out nearly two thirds of the money being invested. Total this loan was over 8.5 billion dollars. The major problem with this, stated in the article I found is that the United States in total didn't even have 8.5 billion dollars yet. There was people hoping that the market would go up and they incuraged others to invest too but it was to late. The stock amrket was on a down fall.
The stock market hit it's all time low on April 27, 1930, the end of the stock market. in July the Dowl finally closed at  41.22. The market was completly colasped and lost 89% on Black Tuesday, to this day.

Comment:  "I'd forgotten when Monopoly had come out and why for. Amazing research on the Great Depression." On "Emily Blog"

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