
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Comment to katie Morrison

I like your questions. They seem like they really would fix those loose ends that were left out there. Clearly pointing to whom actually gave Mayella those bruises.

Post#4 Alternate Endings

Starting in the court room before the verdict was given:
 Looking around it was silent. Everyone was anxious to hear what they would declare. I couldn't take my eyes off of Tom Robinson and he off his table. The judge finally asked "What is the verdict?" As the person on the end rose to tell us all my heart beated faster. I don't exactly know why seeing how it wasn't my life that could be ending right now. Although I couldn't see his face tom seemed to be anxious also, yet like he didn't want to know what everyone else thought of him. I looked to Atticus and he was looking toward the man standing.
  Silence filled the air around us. Pure silence. The man on the end opened his mouth and........
"We find Tom Robinson.......... Not guilty for the auction of rape." The court house roared! The people around us were so loud I couldn't hear the white folk below us who were yelling also. People jumped and yelled and screamed! Dill grabbed my hand. Everyone was smiling and screaming. No one could hear one another yet that didn't stop people from yelling over one another. People stormed out of the court house. Some, like the Ewells, were furious.
The next day someone came to the house and threw a brick threw a window, I suspected the Ewells but Atticus said it could have been anyone. On the note attached to it it read....
"Y'all better watch ya selvs. Ima find a way to get back at you."
Atticus spent the next few days running around town. It seemed like he was always busy, more than before. The case blew over and after a few months everyone who had been obsessed with the case now was back to the regular "hum." Dill and I would stay together till we were ripped apart. Some nights he would even sleep in my room by my bed. Holding hands as we fell asleep Dill said, "When are we going to have that baby?"

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Post#3 Qusetions

To Bob Ewell, have you ever seen Tom Robinson around your  residence? When did you see him? How often did he come around? What was he doing as he came by? I would ask this to set the mood that Tom had gone by Mr. Ewell's house many times. How long was your daughter left alone as you ran for help? Setting that he was very careless when it came to her well-being, gos with doctor questions he was asked.

Heck Tate, Where were the rest of the bruises on her body exactly, if you saw any of course? Why is it that you did not call for a doctor exactly? See if he really thought of her well being.

Mayell Ewell, How are you feeling right now? Confert. How often did Tom come by your house if ever? What did he do as he passed? once again trying to bring up that they might have known each other more that he is leading on. If at all, how did Tom Robinson hold you down? When she is on the floor, stating how it would be hard for this man to have raped her and hold her down at the same time.

Tom Robinson, Is is hard to do things with only you one good arm?Can you do any heavy lifting for long distances? Asking more about balance when stuck in a harder to maintain situation.

Comments: I really love what you find as courageous. I like that you pointed out that Mr. Finch did what he did because he had to, not because he just wanted to. :)
~ on "Me Me ME", Trey Rush's blog.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Post #2 Bravery

What do I think makes a person brave? I feel that someone is extraordinarily brave when they do things, not for themselves, but for someone else even in the face of danger. If someone were to risk their life just to help or keep someone else safe, I would consider them brave. In the book To Kill A Mockingbird I personally find Atticus to be the most brave. Not only did he save the neighborhood from a risky dog that was coming down their street, straight for them, but he is risking his reputation to defend a black man everywhere he goes. He is a single parent of two and faces every situation head on. He is willing to do anything to protect his honor with God and would never do anything to go against him.
In real life, I know a man. He is my boyfriends dad in fact. Right now, at this moment he is deployed in the army. He has three kids and loves them all. Along with his three kids he left behind a loving wife. He is in Korea protecting our country. Without going further in depth he is protecting our country from missile attacks that if he did not do his job one day the world as we know it would cease to exist. At home he is a caring father, good friend and a loving husband that would lay down his life for what he so strongly believes in. I find this man to be extreamly brave for everything he would do with/ for his country.

Post #1 Depression

Black Tuesday was the worst stock market crash in our history. It started as the real estate industry slowly began to declined in in the stock market. Due to this the stock marked in all declined. You see, the stock market and real estate industry are linked together because as one goes down, the other does too. People had been investing and doing things with money the didn't have, as a result it started the chain of events that led to the Great Depression. Brokers were loaning out nearly two thirds of the money being invested. Total this loan was over 8.5 billion dollars. The major problem with this, stated in the article I found is that the United States in total didn't even have 8.5 billion dollars yet. There was people hoping that the market would go up and they incuraged others to invest too but it was to late. The stock amrket was on a down fall.
The stock market hit it's all time low on April 27, 1930, the end of the stock market. in July the Dowl finally closed at  41.22. The market was completly colasped and lost 89% on Black Tuesday, to this day.

Comment:  "I'd forgotten when Monopoly had come out and why for. Amazing research on the Great Depression." On "Emily Blog"