
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Post #2 :(

Unhappy Times

Yesterday, as we watched the show of Oprah, I wrote many notes. Not because i was told to, but because these things that happened are things to remember. These are things like how after killing people or sometimes before, they would shave the head before burning their bodies in a pit or oven. Once they gathered the hair they would sell it to clothing factories. Also, first thing when the prisoners arrived at the major camp they were split into two groups. Mothers and children were sent tho the left and told not to worry but take off their clothing in order to take a shower. The men and able to work were sent tot the right where they were put to work. Once they were striped of everything they had the mothers and children were take into gas chambers and locked inside to be killed. It took them fifteen minutes to finally suffocate. Personally i would like to know, why. Why would someone do a thing so terrible. I know they say because he wanted to rid the world of "impurities" but i would like to know what exactly triggered Hitler to start this war.

I am honestly not wanting to read the book more now than before because I know it will upset me in an extreme way. To hear a first person story of what happened during this dark day in world history would be great for understanding what exactly happened but it is such dark days in time that I don't want to know much more. I'd prefer to be in the dark on many of these things, like how these people would kill without reason or being called into question by others. I hear that it is a good book, but it is hard to have to read about what someones torture did to another person. Over all, i can't wait to read this book, but feel i have to brace myself. I hope for a day where there will never be anything even clost to what happend then again. This book sounds like a good book wraped around a bad time of life.That is all.

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