
Thursday, May 16, 2013


Devin's Blog

1. Painless was a good word to pick. You were right about how his lif, at any given point, could never be painless.
2. You are right about that. If he ever gets clost to people, anyone, he always will get hurt.
3. He doesn't really decide to take pain away fro the people he cares about. I truly just happens. (where i am at in the book) It is very true that he comes across a lot of hard places where he does have to dacide if he is going to stay around to help others, or not.
4. I loved the way Brewster talked too. He was always making me feel so much more into his life and the book.

Maya's Blog
#2 I completly agree with you. That would be a perfect inbetween in order to not be left out, but also not be hurt all the time.
#4 I really felf the same about the way the book was presented. Reading Brewster's poems were, by a land slide, my favorite part.

"Lolo's Bloggy-Thing-a-ma-bob"
#1 I personally thought the word "stuff" used by Brewster's brother everytime was a very easy word that I could relate to. :D revelation works too. :)
#3 Im sorry you hadn't read that far. It is a really good point in the book. It truly changed things... :D

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bruiser Q and A -Don't read if you don't know what happend to the uncle yet!!

1.) My personal favorite power word was said by Cody. In chapter thirty Cody deems the title to be, stuff. I loved this word because everyone around him, that is telling their story, is stating larger, power, words. Cody kept it simple with just saying "stuff".

2.) Brewster's upbringing has protected him from taking the pain of others and made sure he didn't take death away from someone else earlier. This upbringing also has hurt him though. Living with his uncle only caused him to not understand how people should feel toward others. I feel that Brewster should try not have two many friends, though have a few. Not get to connected to others but still be friendly. This way he isn't alone, yet he isn't always being hurt for others.

3.) Brewster has been threw a lot at the hands of his uncle due to his "gift". He hasn't been allowed to
make friends because he was afraid to care for them to much and get hurt for them. Luckily the "gift" has a limitation when it comes to how far he can be from another hurting person before he is "able" to take it from them. It is what really saved him from his uncle who tried to kill him when Uncle Hoyt was suffering from a stroke. Because he could never stop caring for his uncle, he had to get far enough away so that he could keep his life. It was his first personal act of getting in control.

4.) I liked how the story went from person to person. Taking in a lot of point of views. It allowed me to know things that other people, in the story, didn't know. For example, how Bronte really feels about Brewster. Then also alowed me to see how Brewster really feels about everyone.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Independent reading

For my independent reading I will be reading Bruiser. As far as I can tell it is about a boy who is out casted by his school and the only one that really understands what he is going threw is his girlfriend. Bronte, his girlfriend, seems like a loyal girlfriend that always wants to help Bruiser. Bruiser is out casted by people, she feels, because he can't care for to many people at once. When he cares for someone things happen. Things that should be completely imposable.
I'd like to read this book because I am fascinated by what the "imposable" is. I want to find out what is happening to her then find out, why?
My second choice, in case I can't read Bruiser, would be Lockdown. Another more paranormal book, this book is about a young boy that was wrongfully convicted and sent to a prison that is actually underground. In most prisons the problems arse by other inmates. In this book the "problem" here is that the prison is actually pure evil. People are carried off in the middle of the night by creatures in gas masks. Alex has two choices, escape, or most likely be killed gruesomely as he is trying to rest.
I would like to also read this book because I want to find out if the young boy gets out alive, or is another victim of injustice and murder.
The way you ended this book would have been much more interesting. Instead of just killing him off they would be forced to go down the path of why the Ewells lied. Then maybe they wouldn't have gotten away with it and Jem woulod't have broken his arm.