
Thursday, January 31, 2013

~Lolo's Bloggy~ Comment Post # 4

From your writings i can tell you took your time with understanding what each link had to offer, I like it. :)
On Londyn's Blog.

Links for Shakespeare- Othello This link is exactly what you could hope for. It has everything from characters to notes one each scene and even a quiz to text how you are understanding it. A great sight with a lot of information on Othello. On the other hand, it is a lot to read when you are trying to find a simple answer. From the same general place as the first link, this link has quizzes to help you text on how well you know the play. Differing from the first link , this link is one every play shakespheare wrote (that we know of). This link is short and to the point, sweet, not so much. It has all the plays but when you are selection one like I did with "The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice (1604)," sadly it only has a list of the characters and who they were then the scene of each act. (That is it.) Finally this link has a summary of what happened throughout the play followed my a quiz. The summary is long but I would much rather have a long reading and know all about something than not know anything about it because the reading was to short.

After finding all of these sights, I would personally use the first link for Othello because it was good at giving information I felt would be needed and more. The first link was helpful and seems it would be easier to navigate than some of the others. Not only wold it tell you what did happen but you could take a quiz that would make sure you understood what they were telling you.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Post #3 comment

On Adriana Godinez's blog I wrote,
You have a very nice dream that is short sweet and to the point of being happy. :) What would your son's name be??
January 24, 2013 at 9:03 AM

Post #3 This... boy I knew

I know this boy, his whole life he has been treated like he was nothing. His mother threw him out and a serves called D.C.F.S would take him in when and if they found him. He used to ask everyone he knew if he could stay with them for a few days so he wasn't out alone at night. All this boy wanted to do was be with his mother and have a home. The last time i saw this boy he informed me that his mother kicked him out for the last time and he would never be allowed to go back to her. I didn't notice it then but I realized soon there after.  He was badly hurt. Not just physically though, from all the times he was beaten by her, but mentally also. This "boy" only wanted to be with his mother and live happily. She wanted nothing from him, ever. I think that if she had a choice to go back and not have him, sadly she would. He changed my view on the world. Before him I lived in a bubble where parents had to love their children and take care of them no matter what. He just wanted to be home, and be loved by his mother. His dream for love from her was never reached. She still lives around here. He has been moved away from her so she can not hurt him anymore.

Throughout A Raisin in the Sun they are talking about how Walter's dreams are never going to come true for him. They talk about dreams and how they were crushed time and time again, how they would finally get a chance to do something and then it was stripped away from them at the last moment. Walter's dream of becoming a liquor store owner was broken and crushed right upfront of him just like my friends was of being with his mother (although my friends was actually worse than Walter's). I find that nothing is worse than a broken dream, even more so the ones involving bettering your family.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Post #2 My Dream

My dream? My dream is that there are no pointless wars all over like there is now. Men and women aren't deployed from their families to serve in some far off place where they can not only hardly talk to their families but they have a very high chance of being killed just for wanting to protect their country. If I had my personal dream come true I'd be living in a warmer place, that still has seasons though, in a average sized house with another building in the yard where I would run my daycare center from. Id have two kids, one boy named James and a girl named Abbigale, and a husband that would love his job and wouldn't feel the need to complain about or be upset about. My friends would be the parents of all the children that I'd take care of during the day and my neighbors plus the people I would have gone to collage with (maybe) and i might also keep a friend or two from high school.

If I was able to have all this, it would make me extremely happy. I wold have everything i have ever wanted and wouldn't have to worry about the next thing in life or if my family was safe. Having this would in return give me everything I have ever wanted out of life. I would have an understanding with everyone and there would be no worry about if something was out of reach for my children or myself. The world would be happy and in return as would I be. Every day I'd be able to wake up, send my kids off to school and mt husband off to work. I'd take in kids when parents need my help and have fun all day teaching them and working on each child's social skills.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Post #1 American Dream?

Q1.I thought the author of the first article was trying to define the American dream as equality among the rich and regular people, although he never very clearly stated what it was that he wants. I think he wants to have everyone be equal among each other due to the writings he quoted. On the other hand, the author of the second article, although he might nit think the at it is right, explains that the modern American Dream differently. He says it is more about money in order to have happiness instead of equality compared to the first.

Q2. The first author quotes a few writings of other people through out history. i believe trying to prove that he isn't the only one to think the way he thinks of the American Dream. He quoted Adams in saying  "steadily increases the gulf between the ordinary man and the super-rich," and by saying "We must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities for the supply of others' necessities," he then quoted Winthrop. Then the author of the second article used examples such as when he referred to the lawyer ans the worker at McDonalds. In his own words he explains that to most people  "greed is good".

Q3.After reading the articles I believe that the first author knew more of what he was talking about due to the research he had to have done in order to get his quotes. The second author only stated what he thinks instead of getting facts about the subject.

Q4. I agree with the first author in that i want the American Dream to be about everyone being equal, money or not. We have the same basic idea that we should all be equal because the fact that we are all equal. The second author is to be agreed with also. I feel that now people are mush more concerned about money and having it compared to not than being free from racial stereotypical comments or not being allowed into a building or home because of who you are (genetically). In all i feel America as a whole has fallen backwards.

Q5. To make their point come across the second author's approach, I believe, worked best. It was strong willed compared to the first that was laid back assuming that you knew who the people he was quoting were and that you could assume what they meant. How the first author was so sure about his argument and didn't use so many quotes to get his point across helped me better understand what he was saying. I believe this was do to that there was more flow within the article.