
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Post #6

In the Elizabethan era they played a selected amount of sporting games that were known of. They would do things like archery, soot ball ( a relative of cricket), dice, Colf ( an ancestor of golf) , Gameball (football), wrestling and more. A lot of the time things would become what they called, blood games. This included things like fighting to the bloody death.
They didn't just play sporting games though. They also played card games, board games, dice games, and more.They players a game that is an ancestor of the

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Comment :)

It was really easy to guess deception with your pictures. I thought the second one was the best. :)
This was on Lolo's Bloggy- Thing a ma bob.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Post #5 Love & trust

These feel pictures represent love and trust. Each picture has two people together and seemingly in love. These pictures have two people who trust each other, such as in the last, truly and always. These two people are together and showing their affection though some way. Although, ust because you're not together doesn't mean you're not in love, I just couldn't find any pictures of it. When you are in love, it shows, like these pictures there are no hiding it when you're seen by others.